
New Member
Ive got the classic bnangin when accelerating through the gears from the rear diff, but I wondered if just changing the front bush is enough or should I change all three?? When I went to landrover parts dept. they didnt even stock the 2 sides bushes, but kept the front one in stock as they said, and I quote "this is the one that is mostly replaced". I did just get the front bush, but was wondering if im just creeating more work for myself if im gonna have to change all of them anyway. Any ideas????
The front one is popular to fail and is the one to cause the most noticable noise. You could change it and see how you go. We've been talking about this over ere: http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f9/rear-diff-bang-197150.html

You could inspect the 2 rears when changing the front one to see what their condition is. Or just buy newuns anyway. I did all of mine to be sure but it's down to personal choice, unless they've failed then they need changed anyway.
Yer mine has been banging when auto gears drop in so had it checked , Front one was knackard but side one's were ok so just had the front one replaced .
thanks guys. i just changed the front 1, bang has lessend considerably, but got a different problem now. when autobox changes it judders (lurches you forward then jerks you back in your seat) badly when it selects the next gear. checkd the engine mounts and 2 of tehn have pretty much had especially with the movement i saw, but just wondered could it be related?

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