take an angle grinder to it but dont need to cut through. All you want to do is put heat on it. Be careful to only grind the baring. then give it a sharp tap with a hammer it will fall off. Or least come loose. :):)
Large stilston. or similar or failing that a sharp chisel on the front edge. Belted by a larger hammer will uslally crack them, all the way thru. If not as said angle grinder 3/4 of the way thru and finished off with hammer & chisel. sorts em out.
Another vote for the angle grinder, I got a cheap one for under £20 to do mine, wear goggles as I had a lump of bearing shatter and it hit me, sparks embedded in the eye is no fun either.
Another vote for the angle grinder, I got a cheap one for under £20 to do mine, wear goggles as I had a lump of bearing shatter and it hit me, sparks embedded in the eye is no fun either.

Always remember that spectacles are NOT safety goggles. But as the Doc at the hospital said "pieces of red hot metal are usually sterile"



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Always remember that spectacles are NOT safety goggles. But as the Doc at the hospital said "pieces of red hot metal are usually sterile"


Been there my friend lol. Mine was stuck in for a week before I decide that I needed to seek medical attention. Got to the eye department and the specialist said it had gone rusty!! Had to have my eyeball polished lol.

I couldn't see anything stuck in my eye because I have dark brow eyes
Have to get it scraped off no doubt? I had a similar experience with a piece of chassis rust that fell in and stuck to my cornea.

Didn't notice why my eye was sore for 4 days..

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