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shifted another load of mother in laws treasures from her old house into her new flat. just got the crap in the garage to take to the skips now... then got to repaint the house to flog it.
My days been bloody good !:D got a call from our estate agent in the UK saying our house sale is now complete........£100,000 profit yipeeeeeee:D:D:D:D:D:D
washed the rangie and the mrs audi then done all the lower windows in the house in and out,just stuffed me face with a chinky so feeling like a right fat bastard now
Finally finished painting new house, should be in mid next week. Just garage to kit out now:D
Nice's party, shopping usual Saturday stuff and o just booked a two night stay at a hotel near Ludlow as fully booked within a ten mile radius as its the medieval Christmass. Fair whatever that is ?? But sound's fun can't wait for the 23rd :)
wondered round a few shops, ate a hoogmongous pasty for me tea, moved a washing machine with Robint.
Paid a garage £40 to do to an oil and filter change. Laughed when the mechanic drained the oil and then knocked the container over all over himself.
Bought meat for making bacon and sausages and a beer kit for the next brew.
Watched Cardiff beat Hull 2-1
Now enjoying a few glasses of red wine
Nice's party, shopping usual Saturday stuff and o just booked a two night stay at a hotel near Ludlow as fully booked within a ten mile radius as its the medieval Christmass. Fair whatever that is ?? But sound's fun can't wait for the 23rd :)

Fair is on 23rd? Hmm sounds interesting
Fair is on 23rd? Hmm sounds interesting

Yea taking me o/ half to Ludlow as I know its nice and I know a nice Indian , but could I get a hotel near nope nearest Leominster , Damm but apperntly its big you heard of it ?? It's your way ish isn't it :)
Been doing some painting on a project i'm doing. Just finished painting (outside) & it bloody rained. Only just enough to ruin the paint. Thats the second time it's done that, the first time it was coming out of a blue sky.Hope the neighbours weren't listening to the language.
I have had a right mare of a day. Drive from Worcester to tad worth to collect kit. They hasn't started prepping it. Left late. First 3 jobs buggered meters so no earner as abort.

Last job actually went well but in pitch black and torch failed.

Sis was in for an operation and parents were being really discriptive.......not

Ask how she is......not so bad or fine.

Seeing as when I am stressed stomach goes nuts had an uncomfortable day.

Had a Chinese so happier :)
Yea taking me o/ half to Ludlow as I know its nice and I know a nice Indian , but could I get a hotel near nope nearest Leominster , Damm but apperntly its big you heard of it ?? It's your way ish isn't it :)

we will be there this weekend. Not holding out much hope of parking.

Had 2 interviews, both went pretty well. Dont think i want to work for first one though. Second one sounds interesting.

won an antique bed on ebay for half the price what SWMBO was gonna buy one for so happy to save a few pennies. Got to go pick it up tonight though and whip it over to ludlow, then load up the horse trailer and come back. Remembered that i left the horse trailer down a little slope in the garden... pointing the wrong way. And as I will be on my own its going to be a whole heap of fun getting it out.. should get home about 1 am if i am lucky?
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we will be there this weekend. Not holding out much hope of parking.

Had 2 interviews, both went pretty well. Dont think i want to work for first one though. Second one sounds interesting.

won an antique bed on ebay for half the price what SWMBO was gonna buy one for so happy to save a few pennies. Got to go pick it up tonight though and whip it over to ludlow, then load up the horse trailer and come back. Remembered that i left the horse trailer down a little slope in the garden... pointing the wrong way. And as I will be on my own its going to be a whole heap of fun getting it out.. should get home about 1 am if i am lucky?

We are Getting the train in from Leominster , its half a mile from castle apperntly ;) I was worried about parking too.

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