
New Member
Off road to yourself, your freinds or your ride? I rolled my new Dodge Dakota while playing ghost truck one night; that was the most damage done to a vehicle, but I did give my friend's wife a concussion while jumping frost heaves, she hit her head on the rolebar.
ffs only the other day you was telling us how wonderful you yanks wur orf road now your telling us yer crap.. make yer mind will you!
im such a good driver off road that i can take my 90, have a good time and not kill anyone or my motor... unlike you yanks ;)
The role over was not because of my off roading skill, I roled it while on road, it was because I was younger and stupid:D As for the lady's concussion, she should have been wearing a seatbelt, except the wrangler did not have any.... I had cut them out! She still does not like me much and that was 7 or 8 years ago

Your sunday rides to the highlands does not count as off roading:rolleyes:
It was because I was younger and stupid younger and stupid?

As for the lady's concussion, she should have been wearing a seatbelt, except the wrangler did not have any.... I had cut them out!

She still does not like me much
and that was 7 or 8 years ago

thinks! i can see a pattern here:D
Well talk about them then.....Not related to offroading, well sort of not....
I had a saab 900 when I was younger and my brother and I where out messing around with some girls one night. We stopped at the town square and was playing in the fountian, when my brother gets bored and asks if he can run to the store. So me being happy to be rid of him gives him the keys and he goes to the store. It was real late at night and he finally comes back and parks the car on the street right where I had left it. He comes back over to the fountian of youth (so to speak:D ) And we hang out for another hour or so befor we dicide to head home.... Well we turn around to go back to the car and it is gone!!!! he is like oh ****.....I left the keys in the car and somebody stole it! I say...lets think a minute! are you sure this is where you parked it? He says yes I put it right back where you had it. At this point I am thinking nobody would steal that piece of **** and if they had we would have heard it because it did not have a muffler. So I start walking down the street and get to the end where it turned to go around the square and I notice car tracks across the lawn of the house at the end of the street. The tracks go across the lawn, between two houses and off a 7 or 8 ft ledge into the river behind the house. So we look over and there is the car! The idiot left it in Neutral with the parking brake off.
Yeah..called a wrecker and they pulled her out and she started right up and drove her home. I was suprised the homeowner did not call the cops while we had a big arse wrecker on the lawn with the lights a going
So............let me get this and your Brother were, and I quote, having an arse wrecker on someones lawn? yep, shoulda called the Plod. At best it's public lewdity that. RETS? Waddaya reckon?
Bent the bumper when i went through a wall playing in the snow! :eek:

Other than that, knocked the exhaust off, more bent bumpers from dodgy approach angles etc, bent mud guard brackets, bent mirrors, the usual...:D
well here goes
i wiz dooin the silage one year on ma grampas ferm. an a furgot a hud the traler wi the extra high sides on it. so a pulls up along side the chopper all goin well, untill a drove off an herd a scrapin noise, thaught nothin off it at the time an went back tae the ferm tae dump the load. got oot, opend the back door, got back in and tiped it, got oot tae close the back door only tae find the boom of the chopper lying on top of the pile o grass a just tipped (ooooooooooooo shhhhhhhitty) lucky the chopper owners insurance covered the dammage
cause in end it came tae aboot 10 grands wurth o dammage (oops)

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