
New Member
I have been toying with the idea of converting my series iii to LPG.
This would cost over a grand but would reduce my fuel costs if i use her regularly which I intend to do.
The problem is, that most conversion specialists will not touch it because of the carb. Will potentially it damage my engine using LPG?
The other thing is that i do not know the age and mileage of the engine and so am wondering if i would be better spending that cash on a newer diesel engine and having that fitted, as i would then at least know that i have an engine that will last for years to come instead of gambling that the petrol engine will last long enough for it to be worth converting.

What would be a good engine to fit, and what should i expect to have to pay?
As above...its debateable whether the drive train can cope with the turbo over a long period so many folks take it off and fit the 200 as a Di..
200tdi with turbo and intercooler,in the past many a series has coped with the power of a rover V8 just ensure transmition is in good order,drive it with kindness[no burnoffs from the lights]and do not fit over size tires, stick to typs normaly fitted to series.
When I considered this I read that it was the soft power/torque delivery of the V8 that was the reason they can cope and that the 200TDi was a lot harsher in it's delivery. I'd still do it though, and maybe fit a Salisbury axle, and a front from a 109 too. That was my plan. Will also give bigger brakes to cope with the extra go. Always a good thing.

Does anyone know what power/torque/economy the 200 as a Di works out at?
When I considered this I read that it was the soft power/torque delivery of the V8 that was the reason they can cope and that the 200TDi was a lot harsher in it's delivery. I'd still do it though, and maybe fit a Salisbury axle, and a front from a 109 too. That was my plan. Will also give bigger brakes to cope with the extra go. Always a good thing.

Does anyone know what power/torque/economy the 200 as a Di works out at?

the 200di is about 85 bhp and gives out 40 mpg where as the tdi is 111 bhp and 35 mpg, i did a 200tdi to s11a swb a few years back the engine was in very good con'd and just before i did the conversion i recon'd the gearbox so the gearbox was good enough to cope with the tdi engine, think alot of peeps make the mistake in fitting a tdi to a well worn gearbox therefore the engine just eats the gearbox.

personally i prefere the tdi as i was just amazed how it coped with hills the steeper the hill the more power it seemed to have and towing a caravan you didn't know it was there.
2L perkins / montego tdi.

my mate runs one in his series. great engine, shame about the series!
The montego (prima) engine is a very economical engine , but some parts are getting expensive eg water pump about £95 you need flywheel ( very few sherpa engines about for flywheel now) . 200 tdi easy fit parts available and reasonable price , series gearboxes in good nick will cope with a lot . JMHE
I have had a series V8 and i dont think the power take up was soft,however as cornish rattler says a good gearbox and axles a must[i had a sailsbury] and if you can find some, fit 109 one ton model big[wide]brake backs and drumson the front.

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