
New Member
Hello, there. I have owned a 109 2.25l for a couple of years now, I have recently needed to tow some heavy things, (have had to re-inforce my chassis, as I have found cracks), and really need some extra poke to it!! up hills particularly! I was considering a 200 tdi, but mine has had gas conversion, and would prefer if poss to stick with that type of setup, what small V8 would be good to put in, if at all? a couple of people have said I should stick a small V8 in... what is small? and from what? many thanks. Gem
If you just want to change the engine a 3.5L rover V8 will be ideal,you can buy the adapter plate to mate the engine to the gearbox,throw some range rover diffs in it and away you go ;)
Thanks, I have a salisbury rear axle on, will that make a difference? will my series 2a gearbox be happy with the engine change? cheers.
The Salisbury axle is a lot stronger so will be perfect but if you want to change the ratio to suit the V8 it's not as straight forward as a rover axle.I run mine for ages on standard diffs, it was just very low geared but if your towing that might be a good thing.
The 2a box should withstand the extra power providing it's in good order,mines been ok for the last 5 years and is still going strong and it gets some serious abuse offroad.
to change ratios but you would need to find a good salisbury diff from a 110 ,but you would need some knowedge to fit as you would have to check pinion height and set crown wheel and pinion not difficult for some one who knows,but perhaps a bit beyond average diyer,
I wouldn't class myself as an average DIYer, I can tackle a job, once I have gathered the right information, but the required changes seem to be growing, and I am growing more tempted to stick with plodding along!! presumably the same and more changes would be needed for a say 200tdi engine change? I am basically after a bit more grunt, when towing. Other than changing vehicles, to a disco, or RR, the change in engine and diffs could amount to a whole heap of work, which may or may not be worth it! :confused:

I am back to square one with my thinking... :doh:
You can get away with just an engine swap poeple have been doing conversions for years and if you can cope with it beign low geared you'll be fine.If you find you can't it's not too big a job to alter the ratios.
Is it a good idea to slap a thirsty V8 in anything at the moment?
I have a V8 and it loves the go juice..... just a thought
Not sure it can be that much more thirsty! and running on gas?
Anyway, have decided to keep the 2.25 in, well, put one in better nick in! although have been tempted by the straight six! Hmmmm.
Rather than changing the diffs when you fit a V8, why not fit an overdrive? That way you can still keep the lower ratio series diffs, which will be handy when towing, and use the O/D when cruising. The fairey units are very good, not too expensive, and a lot quicker & easier to fit than different diffs. As for engine, I am running a 3.9 with carbs & LPG. Plenty of power & torque, and and still much cheaper to run than my old series 3.
Fit a well built modern V8 such as an LS1 or 1uz-fe

avoid the boat anchor rover V8. Underpowered and thirsty.
I am running a highly tuned rover v8 in mine, and it is actually better economy than the 2.25. Fitting it into engine bay was a wa nker of a job. Finding a v8 that wasn't bollixed was slightly worse. Now I'm finished whole job was deffinatly NOT worth it!

Costs a lot to do it properly, makes working on engine harder.

A mate came over in a defender and the difference is huge....

I changed to stage 1 rear axle 3.54 ratio and have put same ratio on front.

All box and axles where New and have done about 200 miles and so far all is well - which is supprising as the the engine is a stage 3 tvr 4.3.

Stopping and handling is absolutely ****e though.........
dont be is being put off at the thought of fitting a different land roer lump in..let alone doing a full on engine and transmission change with ecu's etc..

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