Hi all , I am doing in the middle of changing my oil and filter on my disco and the sump plug is HUGE, I havent a spanner to fit does anyone know the size of these so I can go and buy one. Thanks for your help

if you use the end of the rachet without putting the socket on it fits perfect on mine 200tdi 94 model try might work for you to regards colin
thanks chaps my best guess is that it was around 23-24mm I went out and bought a large adjustable spanner ( the tool of the real pro !) and it came of with no problem , thanks for all your help.

If you're talking about the engine sump plug (bolt) then I reckon it's something like 28-30mm on our's (J-reg 200TDi). Like you I used a big adjustable spanner on it just fine.

Going to buy the appropriate socket though as there's nothing like a cheap adjustable spanner to round off bolt-heads! Also going to change the oil again as the oil is seeping past the sump-bolt washer. Wish I'd changed that at the time...for a hap'orth of tar and all that.

Make sure you have a big container underneath when you change the oil - must have spilled a good 2 litres on the drive when I did ours on Sunday...I will use an old bucket rather than a oil catch container next time!!


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