
New Member
what apart from my 12g o/u is recomended for securing my 92k 110 h/top? it appears o can open the doors with any key is this normal??? :eek:
do a search lots of advice but main recommendations are disklock, clutchclaw and chain it to the floor Cos there seems to be a lot of landies getting lifted onto the back of a truck, with an hiab.
Tracker - only thing that will let you know where it is....then you can chase them down the road and break their bones!

Trust in one thing - no one will see it happen, or notice it. I had lorries stolen with a hiab once, go knows what size it was, but must have been big!! - No-one saw a thing, no-one noticed and lorries anywhere! Typical!
im reachable by crane over the house and id like to think id hear that.part that they get a rabid collie and if i get uo and there still alive i chainsaw em up and feed em to the hounds......

the local hunt take anything for the hounds......
or feed em to some pigs,or bury them alive in loadsa lime,or pull their teeth out with pliers,before any of the above...

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