
New Member
I am sure this is a silly question but hopefuly that means i will get a quickish response!

I seem to remember reading somewhere that something I would have guessed would take gear oil actually takes engine oil?

The reason I ask is I have a leak from somewhere (its everywhere and as yet cant work out where its come from). Lots of the oil on the base of the main gearbox is EP90 (it stinks) and this is a minor leak and needs a little top up every few months.

The puddle on the floor is new and doesnt smell but my engine oil level is fine and its too far back to be coming from the engine anyway. Do main box, transfer box and overdrive all take ep90?

Any suggestions for common leaks?


if your sure its ep90 then as a good guess id say your inputshaft seal has probably worn on the front diff it will only leak while the vehicle in motion as it settles back down in diff pan/casing have check if any sprayed up towards prop and over other areas hope helps i have same problem on my disco rear diff have identified it will let you know how job goes on as im gonna change this weekend myself just keep eye on diff level and just top up as necassary but dont go off-road or into water cos no doubt it will get in your diff and could start to become more expensive than just a seal
With a little bit of help from silver classic I sorted my oil leak. Its a good job im not proud or I wouldnt be able to admit that the leak was coming from a leaking galon under the passenger seat!

What a prat I am! Ah well, still it was a damn good result. All I need to do now is sort my carb.....

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