Paul D

Old, nackered 'n broke, but the Landy is fine . :)
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GLASS is people, green laners to be specific.
The day to day running of GLASS is done by 12 green laners, they form
the Executive, supporting the Executive are a great number of reps who
are also green laners.
It's green laners working for green laners in trying to protect all
green lanes that make us tick.
GLASS isn't a for profit business, in fact GLASS wouldn't exist if it
wasn't for the persisting threat of antis.
Anti's come in many forms- We have the likes of GLEAM; wealthy land
owners, who as the old adage goes, want you to ' get orf my larnd! '
We have Councils who find it easier to close a lane than actually
maintain it, we have other user groups such as Peak Horsepower run by
Patricia Stubbs whose only concern is equestrian, and then we have
people such as Diane Mallinson from Skipton, who is hell bent on
getting green lanes closed, we suspect she is funded by GLEAM in her
research, we also have individuals such as the odd walker who think
it's their god given right to have any road to themselves.
Unfortunately we also have people within who don't help either. We
have the illegal drivers that give fuel to the antis by driving off
piste, or use lanes that are in a terrible state. We also have green
laners that only focus on all that is wrong, yet do nothing to help
remedy the situation.
To give a little perspective, GLASS currently has about 80 volunteers.
They currently have to deal with over a hundred councils and do it in
their free time. There are also thousands of miles of green lanes that
need monitoring too. Perhaps when we get a 'staff' of 4-500 then we
can be as thorough as all the ideologists want, but until then we'll
try our best.
GLASS is a sophisticated machine but still needs to improve, we need
everything from graphic designers to barristers, sticker printers to
tree surgeons, we need managers, assistant reps, we even need someone
to empty the bins! Anyone can help. We have so much to do but with so
few volunteers we are limited.
You can make a real difference by joining us. Your money will go into
a fund that is used exclusively in fighting to keep your green lanes
open. Please, as a green laner, support the green laners that work for
GLASS and join us.
Please understand that your green lanes are NOT safe, and with the
persistence of antis, cuts to funding and legislation that is
crushing, we have a mountain to climb.
If you think you can spare a couple of hours a week please email and we'll gladly accept your offer of help. If you
cant support us physically then maybe you can support us financially
by either joining, or making a donation to our fighting fund.
Any level of support will help.
GLASS is the future of green laning, you are the future of GLASS.
Justin Brown
Excellent description of the aims and methods of the Green Lane Association.
And I shall certainly heed that advice and continue paying my subs.

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