
Giant Chicken
This section of the forum contains the USENET newsgroup

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Usenet, the best description I've seen is at


No one "owns" Usenet and the groups that are gatewayed into landyzone are completely unmoderated. The feed that we provide is a service to landyzone users, and is just a gateway into another discussion area. You're liable to see flaming, links to ads and porn sites and a whole bunch of really objectionable stuff if you look hard enough.

But, as you continue to look, you'll see some real gems of information and some *very* knowledgeable folks.

Once again, landyzone doesn't own Usenet, has no control over its content and the feeds are provided without any interference (or moderation) from the folks on landyzone dot co dot uk.

Usenet can be harsh at times - and it's definitely not for the fainthearted, but I think providing an uncensored newsfeed provides more of a service to the landyzone community than filtering content would.

To sum things up, internal forums on landyzone are moderated. External feeds like Usenet are not. Read and participate at your own risk.

Please also be aware that once you post in this section your message will be almost instantly transmitted around the world to thousands of servers and users of the newsgroup. There is nothing we can do if you change your mind after you have submitted your message, so be careful.

** You must have 10 posts or more in the normal forums before you can post to the usenet section.
can someone please kill this caaant or at least chop is small winkie off! ok banning and sending tweets round to roger him may do instead

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