
New Member
I'm just doing the decent thing and introducing myself before I set about picking everyone's brains!

I'm Keith and I hail from the Sunny Sarf (Hants to be precise)

I've recently persuaded SWMBO - at last - that I do actually 'need' a Defender. This follows about 30-odd years of lusting after them but never having the chance or dosh to get one (though being ex-services I have driven numerous examples over the years).

I now own a '01 90 TD5 Hardtop called 'Tonka' (and why not?) and am looking forward to reading the threads and learning a lot more about these wonderful beasts.

But before that, I'm just popping out to take another look at the beast as it tick-tick-ticks and cools down after this afternoon's rumble through the forest (albeit on the roads :()

Can't stop grinning. Is this normal? ;)
:welcome2: And fit extra security, by all accounts on this website they are thief magnets.:blabla:
Ta for the welcome. :)

Point taken regarding security, too, crashbox. In addition to the alarm/immobilier, I'm currenty using a 'Strongarm' crook-lock and am about to buy one of those clutch lock thingies (can't find the link right now but it got a good write-up in one of the Landy mags).

It's also parked off-road, beneath secuirity lighting and within earshot of my hair-trigger yelping, constantly hungry, man-eating cocker spaniel :rolleyes:

I shall do a search and see what other members recommend.


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