
Active Member
Hi All,

I hope everyone is OK? And sorry to trouble, not been here for a while as no point doing jobs on the old girl (not the Mrs) for obvious reason but thought I might get on with stuff.

So Changed the FIP two years ago for a second hand unit. Then whilst away started to leak so changed the seals but couldn't get it to run smoothly. So I saw a FIP on fleebay that said second hand but been rebuilt. Which it looks like it has, very clean and blue blobs of antitamper stuff.

So fitted yesterday but started but not a happy runner. Interestingly it started (after bleeding) quite easily but wouldn't rev. Then noticed I had not put the plug back on the sensor on the aluminum manifold, put plug on and tube and difficult to start and wouldn't idle.

So had another go at timing day today. I noticed that it was showing 0.94mm rather than 0.90 +/- 0.02 from yesterday. I also noticed a slightly stiff spot on the dial gauge. So drop of 3in1 on the dial gauge also realised I had timed the pump away from the engine and not towards it. So started again. Firstly found it difficult to find a consistent zero and seemed to vary about 0.04mm. But eventually found a zero point I felt comfortable working with and timed to 0.90mm from zero moving FIP to engine. Have bleed and partially reassembled but wasn't (manfold on with three nuts and water pipes no fan, shroud etc. But not keen to run, bleed each pipe but couldn't see fuel issuing from rear injector. Started and could hoild some revs with the throttle but stopped when lifted foot and cloud of white smoke.

So have I not timed right? Bought a dud secondhand pump? Had to stop this evening as neighbour was having a birthday BBQ....... Will have a look again one evening during the week? But any suggestions on a best way forward? Could it be something simple like not bleed enough?

Thanks if you read all that!!!
In technical section top left of page is a guide to bleeding fip by wammers if this helps in any way. Alas wammers passed away a few weeks ago and he was the expert on fip. Try the search to see if there are any threads where he has helped people out in the past with fip problems
Oh My Gosh that is sad. My condolences to his family and friends. Will there be an eulogy here: his knowledge (along with several others here) was nothing short of amazing. I will check the bleeding guide and the search.......

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