Well as I always say. If you know what you like, and like what you see, then go for it. If you don't then you'll probably end up kicking yourself in a few weeks, over a lost chance. The Mrs had me drive 1200km in one day to pick up a little van she'd only seen on the internet. Said it spoke to her and she wanted it. I said what happens if when we get there it's a hound. She assured me it wouldn't be and she was right. She loves it. She's happy, so there for I'm happy..:D.
Well as I always say. If you know what you like, and like what you see, then go for it. If you don't then you'll probably end up kicking yourself in a few weeks, over a lost chance. The Mrs had me drive 1200km in one day to pick up a little van she'd only seen on the internet. Said it spoke to her and she wanted it. I said what happens if when we get there it's a hound. She assured me it wouldn't be and she was right. She loves it. She's happy, so there for I'm happy..:D.

A talking car :eek: ...what did it say to her :p:D x
Looks like a nice one but to me a little overpriced, you could get a tax exempt one for the same price.
My other half loves the limestone colour too, it's not that hard to change the colour on them, IMO getting one and adjusting it to meet your needs/preference is much better than one already fully done.
Good luck with whichever one you purchase
Looks like a nice one but to me a little overpriced, you could get a tax exempt one for the same price.
My other half loves the limestone colour too, it's not that hard to change the colour on them, IMO getting one and adjusting it to meet your needs/preference is much better than one already fully done.
Good luck with whichever one you purchase

I think it might be the colour that's doing it you know :eek: x
looks nice and your better paying a little more in the purchase price than several times more in repair costs , check thoroughly chassis and body for rot

Mmm ... that's another problem James ... it's over 300 miles away or thereabouts ...

I've looked at close ups on the bodywork etc and there is some rust on the front but it doesn't look like much. It also says the chassis has been patched but hubbies a welder anyway.

Actually I was thinking it was a long MOT but it's only 4 months off ....
Looks very clean and straight in the pics, but as usual there are no pics of the rust trouble spots on the chasis and bulkhead. No point in having a clean body if the chassis wont mot without loads of work.
I wouldn't buy it without driving it and viewing it personally.
Hmmmmm I'd want to see it first, he has already declined two offers so probably wants at least two and a half for it!

Is there no one on here who can go have a look see for you?
Looks very clean and straight in the pics, but as usual there are no pics of the rust trouble spots on the chasis and bulkhead. No point in having a clean body if the chassis wont mot without loads of work.
I wouldn't buy it without driving it and viewing it personally.

Got hubby looking at close ups on the images re the bulkhead x

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