
New Member
Please help!

I have just dropped my D1 off for a new boot floor and body mount.
Problem is I will need to screw down the inspection panel to the fuel sender and cannot recall for the life of me what you call the little White things that you put in to the holes to receive the screws to hold the panel in place.

Think I'm going senile!
I have been convinced for a long time that a lot of the problems with boot floor has been caused by condensation which comes from the inspection panel. My jap import has a good floor but when I checked about 2 years ago the foam rubber under the mat was soaking and took 3 days to dry out.
What I do to mine is that I put a complete newspaper under the mat OVER the inspection panel and this soaks up the comdensation. I remove cover every 6-8 weeks for a check and since I started using the newspaper trick my floor has been 100% dry. I also replace newspaper each time but it is always dry.
Something to think about lads.

Jim A
1996 300Tdi auto(Jap reimport)

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