Ian burritt

Active Member
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Not quite today but day before yesterday, fitted at long last my new tow bar
Made by "Anchor" no comments please, already had the plug & play electrics socket fitted new some months ago.
Todays simple job was to fit a new heavy Duty cigar socket to the rear of centre glove box arm rest.
sadly the plug dont fit but will rectify that tomorrow.
Came in as I was blimming cold.
Hope you all are safe, and coping well.
Sorry all, try as I might i just cant seem to be able to find and place my tow bar photo.
millions of people have tow bars - but
there not my new one..lol
Nice try but sadly failed.
try another day I expect.
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Went out looking for some "missing" shopping items in Morrisons (partial success).
Popped into B&M to see if they could fill any gaps, left with some cat food and cat litter for our moggies and the MIL's moggy..
About to drive away when wife says..."We didn't check for any bog-roll in there".
She popped back in there and the shelf was empty....but a chap came along and filled it up with bog-rolls right that second.
Only allowed 1 pack per customer (too bloody right too!) but at least we got some.
TBH its the cheap poke-per-finger-thru 2-ply cheap stuff, but its better than none at all.
Went out looking for some "missing" shopping items in Morrisons (partial success).
Popped into B&M to see if they could fill any gaps, left with some cat food and cat litter for our moggies and the MIL's moggy..
About to drive away when wife says..."We didn't check for any bog-roll in there".
She popped back in there and the shelf was empty....but a chap came along and filled it up with bog-rolls right that second.
Only allowed 1 pack per customer (too bloody right too!) but at least we got some.
TBH its the cheap poke-per-finger-thru 2-ply cheap stuff, but its better than none at all.
Hi Dan, I know a Young ? Lady who works in a Colchester B + M store and tells tales of very rude customers taking the current problems out on staff there.
But the poor shop & store staff are baring the brunt of us not normal people I expect.
We on the coast have a "potato Famine" currently along with bog roll shortages, but I bought a large pack of triple layered bog roll from WOWCHER a bit dear as they charged extra for P&P but rather have them than not.
Now the I pack a time rule seems to be in place the grubby corner store bandits wont get the lions share - we hope..
stay safe, and be happy
I will be my miserable self and not go out - leaving time to do little jobs I been meaning to do on my "Pandoras Box"
Ya never know whats Inside till I open the doors..lol

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