
New Member
I have recently purchased a s2a Land Rover 88" 1964, it is fitted with a 2.5 diesel engine other than that it is standard.
I got it with the sole intention of towing horse trailers, but after driving it for a month or two realise that their are many upgrades available and required for mine;)
I am thinking about fitting in a v8, disk brakes,parabolics and even putting in a series 3 bulkhead and dash, as mine has gone abit rusty over the years.
Is their any thing else i should think about before i do this work, i have heard as mine is tax exempt if i do to much to upgrade it i will loose my free tax badge, something to do with a points system?. As i am a tight Yorkshire man i don't want, and cant afford this to happen.
Can anyone help as this is my first Land Rover project?:)

In respect to the points system I am sure that other people can advise you better but with what you are suggesting here I would not worry about loosing classification. The main components they are interested in is

Running Gear

Only the engine has been changed but all the other mods would not be classed so you would not need to re-register

You need to retain 8 of a possible 14 points to keep your tax exempt status. The engine swap has only cost 1 point so that isn't really here nor there.

It works as follows,

Engine 1 point.
Transmission 2 points
Steering assembly 2 points
Chassis 5 points (a direct replacement new chassis doesn't affect this as long as it is designed to accept leaf sprung suspension).
Axles 2 points.
Suspension 2 points.

Regards WP.
Thanks for that Wesley and ace, i'm sure you will be seeing my name here again with more questions.
Thanks again!
All this work to save £170 a year, why don't you save the money & time on upgrades and just buy a cheap 90 as one of those will already have the better brakes, suspension & dash layout you are searching for? I know there is charm in a Series vehicle (been there for many years) but an old 90 can still be over 20-years old if you seek old-age & cheap purchase price.

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