Look at this on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/152844900669

Apart from the car being a complete pile of ****e he can't spell or anything :rolleyes:
Well I gather from that add that,
1/ God may have been a previous owner and,
2/ at some time Irish humour was done to the grille, and
3/ it has some rather unusual tyres fitted, oh, and,
4/ it sounds like a V8, which is very fortunate 'cos that's what it is.
"....like a v8 shuld do palls away very quick it's a head Turner when you put your foot on excelrater loud rumble."

If I heard a loud rumble I'd be worried about my big ends! A loud burble I can live with :D

plural noun: palls
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
    a dark cloud of smoke, dust, etc.
Agree with the points in relation to the vehicle, however, I take it none who have commented have a relative or colleague who is dyslexic?

Classic signs of dyslexia in the write up.

Slag the vehicle by all means but not the affliction

Actually, I have two very close friends who are dyslexic and it brings up two points. One: the majority of errors are nothing like the way they both write. There is maybe a couple of write as you hear ,which could be said to be similar, but more that is not. Point Two: both have spell-check on all of their devices. As I am led to believe is the norm. So , I believe normal play is resumed. ;)

I have an 84yr old, registered blind, friend whose spelling and grammar is better :p
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The write up is exactly what I would expect from some one who would do that to a car. I would also make steretypical assumptions about the amount of sportswear the seller wears whilst not partaking in sport I.e. chav.
Agree with the points in relation to the vehicle, however, I take it none who have commented have a relative or colleague who is dyslexic?

Classic signs of dyslexia in the write up.

Slag the vehicle by all means but not the affliction

If they are dyslexic will they know?

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