
New Member
Hello everyone
I am in need of some honest advice so I have come direct to all of you and not any salesmen/women
My problem is I want to take my family over to Portugal to live next year for 12-18 months and I would like a landrover diesel.I am looking for a lhd and reliability ,fuel consumption etc do I buy a manual/auto definetly a diesel 5 door but a 2.0 di or a td4/5 have nearly 9k to spend please advise pros & cons please
Do not buy a freelander. If you need 5 doors get a defender CSW or a Discovery 300tdi or td5. I'd suggest a RangeRover as well but finding a LHD Diesel might be difficult.
Depends what you're going to use it for really.
If its your primary family car and you're going to be carting the family about all over the place in it, and your family's not too big , you can't really go wrong with a Disco, comfort, fairly frugal compared to the defender, able to cruise easily at relatively high speeds, and the TD5 is that bit more refined.

Otherwise if you've got a biggish family, dogs lots of gear to carry around and you're not too bothered about a more agricultural feel, less comfort lower speeds , less frugal etc, you can't go wrong with a 110 csw.

At the end of the day it's horses for courses.
yes it's the primary car small kids and a jack russell and a trailer on the back will be needed
so general preference is a discovery so manual or auto for reliability and fuel consumption?
Manuals are usually a little bit better on fuel economy and easier/cheaper to repair/replace if they go wrong.

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