Hi there following on this thread, does any know if Whaddon is on this Sunday 13th April? if yes any one going, cos I fancy a laugh and its always good to know at least one other person there as tow cars are always required. Thanks.
Hi again,

I had a very enjoyable day at Whaddon, nice to meet you muddy duck! Pitty Spydermans engine gave up the ghost, I reckon he wants to throttle the previous owner even more so now! I'm sure he has scored an engine through this site, so he should be up and going again soon! Everyone that went with the group enjoyed it!!! P.s. I love snow chains!! They are awsome!

Some casulties,

Spyderman - Pure unlucky, mainly due to the previous idiot owner I'm sure,
Luke - stuck in third gear (Auto),
Jamie - Mis-fire blew centre exhaust box to pieces! quite spectacular, I was following, the centre box looked like a cartoon tin can!,
Jai 90 (me) - front number plate because I think the hole that stopped me dead and made me endo was deeper than I had first anticipated!! Very good day though had loads of fun!,
Some bloke in a disco rolled and totaled his mota! Opps!, I think Andy righted him.

Best bits:

Getting my 13 year old neice to tow out a very stuck cocky lad! That shut him up!

I was impressed with Ryders Paj, done much better than I thought!

Finally trying my snow chains, thanks again Spyderman for the help! I was absolutly covered in mud! - Jai

Hey I'm gonna try and hook up again on the 1st Wednesday of the month same pub about 8 ish. Just to get out the maps again see what lanes are about as its May and all the lanes should now be open! Inc my local fav! Jai
A truly awesome day was had by all this end... many thanks for the multiple tows folks!

Spyderman good to see you scored an engine, and Jai, I'll see ya at the pub!

Didn't realise Luke and Jamie suffered though... when did that happen? I must have been stuck in another bit!
Really enjoyed yesterday. Was going great until it died. Jai, you're right, wait till I see that prat.
Picking up the new engine next week, so shouldn't be out for too long.
My snow chains are on the way. Like you say forget mud tyres, chains are the way to go.
Best bits of the day;
Snow Chains on a 90 - awesome.
8 year old driving a Rangie- unbelievable skill.
We didn't go home straight away we did a lane or 2 including the fords at redbourne obviously we didnt go there to wash off our vehicles as that is illegal but like I say we did a few local lanes and then the fords as a nice finnish to the day.

Jamie's rangie died in redborne I followed him home coughing and spluttering all the way!

I think it was a good day had by all! I ook forward to the next time.

Which lanes did you do Jai? Did you include the highway I mentioned before we left? Just curious to know whether its suitable for us to do unaccompanied.
It wasn't that lane, just a lane with the fords in and we checked out pepperstock although we didnt drive it (i think its open in May) it was just so we could relax a bit after a great day. Jai
I just had a fantastic couple of days at whaddon. Invited by a friend's 4x4 club to go and join them for the weekend, they had hired the entire place out for about 15 people, 9 or ten vehicles.

It was much drier than last week so some of the stuff that I couldn't get through last week was manageable this time, but where the mud had dried it was very, very hard... when we bumped we really bumped!

Got the car over to a 35 degree angle (not by choice) but drove it out with a little advice and tightly closed eyes!

Whaddon is rising in my estimations.
Anyone Going Sunday?

There is talk of the black sheep group going up, although its just talk at the mo its quite likley oh luke managed to blow up his autobox! no drive! Jai

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