
New Member
Hi guys I am quite a rookie at cars and would appreciate abit of advice before I take the car to a mechanic and get ripped off. I have had the fuel pump changed about two years ago. I also there is a leak in the turbo. Lately there has been white smoke coming out through the exhaust in the morning and also whenever the car has been switched off for a couple of hours. The smoke does dissapear after driving for few hundered metes. Is this a lead up to a major issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks heaps in advance.
It's a diesel right? White smoke on start up suggests unburnt fuel [diesel]. Is the preheat [glow plugs] system working and are you allowing it time when starting to do its thing?
There is a host of potential things which could cause an issue.
Are you sure this is smoke ?

Have you checked ? Does it smell of Diesel ?

Are you sure its not water vapour ?
Sorry it's a diesel n the smoke does smell of diesel.Thanks guys found that thread. Unfortunately before I could even get to looking at the stuff the Harmonizing stablilizer broke so getting that replaced first. This car does come with lots of issues.

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