Gord Wedman

Well-Known Member
15 vehicles from my Land Rover club, RoverLanders of BC, went for a Sunday drive up a couple of mountains just south of my home town of Chilliwack. We have all kinds of old logging roads winding through these mountains, some still in use, but most just maintained for forest access. First two pictures is at our early stop overlooking the Canada-USA border. The pointed peak on the far right is the USA Border Peak and the one on the left is the Canada Border Peak. You can see how we have logged up to the border and probably stolen a few American trees. My brother Wade is looking into the valley. Second two photos are from our lunch stop on Church Mountian. We wanted to be able to say we went to Church on Sunday. You are looking north across the east end of the Fraser Valley. To the left of centre is Chilliwack, mainly a service center for the local farming community but we do have some industry including a new Molson's Brewery. Hope everyone had an equaly enjoyable Sunday. Cheers, Gordon and the P38

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