Paul D

Old, nackered 'n broke, but the Landy is fine . :)
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Arranged a local group/Glass green laning outing to Wales but instead of 'the usual' drive down do the lanes over two days and then drive home we did it slightly differently and saw very different types of lanes.

First night we got to the campsite in Wales to find an awesome Gazebo, so setup the beds in there and got Tim @top-cat on cooking duties with his Paella style pan ... Good times, great company, tasty food! ;)

Wales, very rocky, very wet, Strata Florida heading from the 'wrong' end towards the Abbey .. much water, much fun, lovely laning. Then over the mountains and valleys and the 'Top Gear' dam, through forests towards Long Mynd and Church Stretton for a slightly different type of lane. Very Grassy, quite muddy, very tight with foliage and trees, most excellent laning. Wild camp after a couple of breakdowns meant we'd never, within a reasonable time, reach the campsite I'd arranged, and great fun just sleeping out under a tarp between two Landies!

Derbyshire, visited 'my' ford, now a mere trickle, but again different lanes. Mostly rocky underneath but much harsher foliage and very scratchy .. some mud, and again lovely views. Hollinsclough was awesome, much deeper drop-offs the harsh side, washed out at the bottom and very tippy up the 'easy' side .. which ain't easy any more!!

Big thanks to @top-cat @maddogminder @DavidSally @dizzytim and Gabi, Robert and Juliette and Travis .. :)

Photo's not in any particular order!

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