
A case of the end of an era with Morph and the start of an expensive episode
with Snowy....


Page 1 of the piccys is peachy.....

...... page 2 however has me reaching for the gearbox specialist :-(

friggin' typical!

And don't even ask about the A.A. :-(

Nige - can't blame you just the luck of the draw.... jammey bastard! ;-)

Lee D

Lee_D wrote:

> ..... page 2 however has me reaching for the gearbox specialist :-(
> friggin' typical!
> And don't even ask about the A.A. :-(

Bugger! You have my sympathy. I'm just hoping that my new acquisition
doesn't do the same thing because I'm off on a 1000 mile journey in a
few hours and have a very tight deadline to meet tomorrow night (son's
21st birthday party).

"Lee_D" <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote in message
> A case of the end of an era with Morph and the start of an expensive

> with Snowy....

You beat my mate's record, two weeks with the SII and he's having to replace
the engine because the timing slipped 8-(.

Lee_D wrote:
> A case of the end of an era with Morph and the start of an expensive
> episode with Snowy....
> http://www.zen79997.zen.co.uk/snowy/index.html
> Page 1 of the piccys is peachy.....
> ..... page 2 however has me reaching for the gearbox specialist :-(
> friggin' typical!
> And don't even ask about the A.A. :-(
> Nige - can't blame you just the luck of the draw.... jammey bastard!
> ;-)
> Lee D

**** the bed Lee, what have you done??? OMFG! You hit summat then or what?

I was just gonna sk for your address as i have some bits like a window winder handle & loads of trim

Oh ****!



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover 101 GS/Ambi (Morph)
Honda XL650 Transalp (2005)

Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> uttered summat worrerz funny

> **** the bed Lee, what have you done??? OMFG! You hit summat then or
> what?
> I was just gonna sk for your address as i have some bits like a
> window winder handle & loads of trim fastners.
> Oh ****!

Get the Irony of this, I'd just gone over to my Dads to collect two
gearboxes, one series one and one auto one (spare for the one fitted in
Percy), also picked up a trailer too as I'm stripping one trailer to make
another good.

Came to a real bad bend on a country lane and dipped the clutch to allow
cars coming the other way to clear the elbow so we could take it wide with
the trailer. Then he did an Impression of a crunchy grindey thing, left us
stranded in the middle of the lane with the trailer still on.

Sadly neither of the two gearboxes I had on board fit so I had to call the
AA ;-).... bunch of ****ing ****tards they are too, 3 frigging hours later
they eventually dispatch a recovery truck, 5 years membership - no previous
claims / Calls and this is their best response knowing a) we're stuck
blocking 2 lanes and b) I'd got the family on board.

The guys who eventually came called me 25 minutes before setting off,
clearly an AA ****up. Be interesting to see how badly they **** it up
tomorrow now on the second half of the journey.

I was well impressed though with the kind folk who came to assist, Kids were
given crisps and chocolate from one kind chap who offered to turn out his
farm hand and have his 'racter tow us home. Had I known the circus act we
were going to have with the AA then I'd have snapped his hand off. Two other
peeps in 4x4's stopped to offer assistance but such was our position and
lack of tow rope we were stuffed... we did unhook the trailer and manage to
open up the road but it was well dodgie.

Lee D

Lee_D wrote:
> Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> uttered summat worrerz
> funny about:
>> **** the bed Lee, what have you done??? OMFG! You hit summat then or
>> what?
>> I was just gonna sk for your address as i have some bits like a
>> window winder handle & loads of trim fastners.
>> Oh ****!

> Get the Irony of this, I'd just gone over to my Dads to collect two
> gearboxes, one series one and one auto one (spare for the one fitted
> in Percy), also picked up a trailer too as I'm stripping one trailer
> to make another good.
> Came to a real bad bend on a country lane and dipped the clutch to
> allow cars coming the other way to clear the elbow so we could take
> it wide with the trailer. Then he did an Impression of a crunchy
> grindey thing, left us stranded in the middle of the lane with the
> trailer still on.
> Sadly neither of the two gearboxes I had on board fit so I had to
> call the AA ;-).... bunch of ****ing ****tards they are too, 3
> frigging hours later they eventually dispatch a recovery truck, 5
> years membership - no previous claims / Calls and this is their best
> response knowing a) we're stuck blocking 2 lanes and b) I'd got the
> family on board.
> The guys who eventually came called me 25 minutes before setting off,
> clearly an AA ****up. Be interesting to see how badly they **** it up
> tomorrow now on the second half of the journey.
> I was well impressed though with the kind folk who came to assist,
> Kids were given crisps and chocolate from one kind chap who offered
> to turn out his farm hand and have his 'racter tow us home. Had I
> known the circus act we were going to have with the AA then I'd have
> snapped his hand off. Two other peeps in 4x4's stopped to offer
> assistance but such was our position and lack of tow rope we were
> stuffed... we did unhook the trailer and manage to open up the road
> but it was well dodgie.
> Lee D

Oh gawd, what can I say, i'll deliberatly put Morph in a ditch tomorrow...... only kiddin' - sorry to
hear the missis & kids where involved, thats just ****. Give 'em me best & please tell 'em I really did
look after it!

Seriously, what is actually wrong, the TX box or the gearbox? I noticed they dragged it onto the truck

Let me know the full story matey please?



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover 101 GS/Ambi (Morph)
Honda XL650 Transalp (2005)

Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> uttered summat worrerz funny
> Oh gawd, what can I say, i'll deliberatly put Morph in a ditch
> tomorrow...... only kiddin' - sorry to hear the missis & kids where
> involved, thats just ****. Give 'em me best & please tell 'em I
> really did look after it!
> Seriously, what is actually wrong, the TX box or the gearbox? I
> noticed they dragged it onto the truck backards?
> Let me know the full story matey please?


In summary though, don't beat yourself up. I think it's the output shaft
from the gearbox but will know more in a few days when my local
non-franchised guys get to have a butchers. It's not a half shaft as the
swarf generator was definately in the gearbox area and no joy with the diff
lock on either.

Lee D

bummer. hope its not too serious. Perhaps whatever my 2a gearbox has
caught is in the air or something (now i know who to beg a series box
off if i need one! ;) ).

Your parents arnt far away are they?. You should have given me a ring
and i'd have come and given the family a lift home at the least as I
owe you a lift and im always happy to rescue stranded mates in return
for beer/bits or the promise of a tow/lift when i need one!

Tom Woods wrote:
> bummer. hope its not too serious. Perhaps whatever my 2a gearbox has
> caught is in the air or something (now i know who to beg a series box
> off if i need one! ;) ).
> Your parents arnt far away are they?. You should have given me a ring
> and i'd have come and given the family a lift home at the least as I
> owe you a lift and im always happy to rescue stranded mates in return
> for beer/bits or the promise of a tow/lift when i need one!

Nige feels bad now......



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover 101 GS/Ambi (Morph)
Honda XL650 Transalp (2005)

Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> uttered summat worrerz funny
> Nige feels bad now......


Karens Dad turned out when we realised the AA had cocked up. We didn't like
to pester any bugger, he was there 10 minutes before the recovery truck.
Conken outten at 5.33 (timed from my mobi call) recovery arrived 8.30..... I
could have took it apart and bought it home on the frigging bus quicker!

Kids treated it as an adventure and will probably be staunch RAC members
when they grow up - though they all seem to **** in the same pot.

Right I'm off to bed, I've a busy day tomorrow waiting for the 2nd recovery
truck.... still gets me out of work!

Lee D

On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 23:08:31 -0000, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

>Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> uttered summat worrerz funny
>> Nige feels bad now......

>Karens Dad turned out when we realised the AA had cocked up. We didn't like
>to pester any bugger, he was there 10 minutes before the recovery truck.
>Conken outten at 5.33 (timed from my mobi call) recovery arrived 8.30..... I
>could have took it apart and bought it home on the frigging bus quicker!

Last time my landy broke down (fuel pickup pipe clogged up and it died
half way up a big hill) i got a tow from a passing series driver after
about 30 mins and the mate who i rang for a tow had an eta of about 45
way quicker than the RAC ever are. Perhaps we should form a recovery
co-op :)

Tom Woods <news@NOPSAMtomwoods.co.uk> uttered summat worrerz funny
> On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 23:08:31 -0000, "Lee_D"
>> Last time my landy broke down (fuel pickup pipe clogged up and it died

> half way up a big hill) i got a tow from a passing series driver after
> about 30 mins and the mate who i rang for a tow had an eta of about 45
> mins.
> way quicker than the RAC ever are. Perhaps we should form a recovery
> co-op :)

Count me in!

Lee D

Lee_D wrote:
.... and will probably be staunch RAC members
> when they grow up - though they all seem to **** in the same pot.

The last but one RAC man that turned out for us (with Bob) went away and
bought 3 101s sight unseen. The last one, who gave the last rites to the
Scenic, was a 101 fan, and dead keen to see our two when he dropped me
back home.

Stick with the RAC in future - both turnouts in less than an hour.
"steve Taylor" <steve@thetaylorfamily.org.uk> wrote in message
> Stick with the RAC in future - both turnouts in less than an hour.

The last time I had to use the RAC was in a company car that we had just
written off at a junction (a salesman was driving of course :cool:), despite
explaining the writeoff, police involvement etc the moron on the phone
insisted on sending a patrol to see if he could 'repair' it before they
would send a recovery vehicle!. The patrol took about two hours and the
recovery another 3 as he told me he was called from Scotland, we were in
Lincolnshire!, I'm sure the patrol was just to cover the fact they were
calling the recovery from so far away. On the other hand I've had the AA out
twice this year and been pleasantly surprised.

In summary, there's sod all to choose between them, they can all be anywhere
from reasonable to bloody silly, it's pot luck.


On 2006-11-08, steve Taylor <steve@thetaylorfamily.org.uk> wrote:

> Stick with the RAC in future - both turnouts in less than an hour.

ISTR there being issues with the AA terms and conditions as well
regarding vehicle age, I am looking to replace my insurance recovery
deals that are all per-vehicle with one that covers me, and the AA
seems to be the most restrictive on the type of vehicle that they'll
cover under such policies.

Hold on;

Vehicle Membership - additional restrictions:

In addition to the Vehicle Type, Weight and Size Restrictions listed
above (which apply to any vehicle which is registered with the AA for
cover under Vehicle Membership) the AA's UK Breakdown Assistance
Services are only available under Vehicle Membership for a vehicle

a) has been registered with, and in relation to which cover has been
issued by, the AA at the time assistance is requested; and

b) is no more than 10 (ten) years old at the date of registration with
the AA.

So basically the AA's "person not vehicle" cover only covers you if
the vehicle is less than 10 years old. That's all of my vehicles out
then, other than the Audi, and that's 9 years old!

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
Ian Rawlings <news06@tarcus.org.uk> uttered summat worrerz funny about:
> --------------------
> Vehicle Membership - additional restrictions:
> In addition to the Vehicle Type, Weight and Size Restrictions listed
> above (which apply to any vehicle which is registered with the AA for
> cover under Vehicle Membership) the AA's UK Breakdown Assistance
> Services are only available under Vehicle Membership for a vehicle
> which:
> a) has been registered with, and in relation to which cover has been
> issued by, the AA at the time assistance is requested; and
> b) is no more than 10 (ten) years old at the date of registration with
> the AA.
> --------------------
> So basically the AA's "person not vehicle" cover only covers you if
> the vehicle is less than 10 years old. That's all of my vehicles out
> then, other than the Audi, and that's 9 years old!

But if I've read your quote correctly it relates to Vehicles covered, not
Persons covered in which case I'm covered.

Is there some other small print relative to person cover which stipulates
ages of vehicles for personal cover? I'm sure I'd have been told to FRO if
there was (as a money saving exercise by the AA).

Lee D

On Wed, 08 Nov 2006 21:57:27 -0000, Lee_D
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

> ...
> has me reaching for the gearbox specialist :-(
> friggin' typical!

ouch - that is lady luck having a real bad day. you musta been a bad boy
in a previous life

good to hear all are safe

William Tasso

Land Rover - 110 V8
Discovery - V8
On 2006-11-09, Lee_D <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

> But if I've read your quote correctly it relates to Vehicles covered, not
> Persons covered in which case I'm covered.

Err, yep, I mustn't post too early in the morning/too late at
night/too close to mid-day.

> Is there some other small print relative to person cover which stipulates
> ages of vehicles for personal cover? I'm sure I'd have been told to FRO if
> there was (as a money saving exercise by the AA).

Doesn't seem to be from my quick zip through, I'll be going through it
all with a fine-toothed comb at some point this month while I decide
what insurance to get, and will quiz the military club about which
service seems to work best for them too. If any nasty gotchas pop up
I'll post sommat under a new thread.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
In message <4rf266Fqhtp3U1@mid.individual.net>, Lee_D
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> writes
>A case of the end of an era with Morph and the start of an expensive episode
>with Snowy....

If it lost drive and made crunching noises it has probably ripped the
centre out of the clutch.

The gearbox output shaft failure is always silent....

Hope it is clutch as it is much cheaper.
Marc Draper
On or around Wed, 8 Nov 2006 22:58:25 -0000, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> enlightened us thusly:

>Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> uttered summat worrerz funny
>> Oh gawd, what can I say, i'll deliberatly put Morph in a ditch
>> tomorrow...... only kiddin' - sorry to hear the missis & kids where
>> involved, thats just ****. Give 'em me best & please tell 'em I
>> really did look after it!
>> Seriously, what is actually wrong, the TX box or the gearbox? I
>> noticed they dragged it onto the truck backards?
>> Let me know the full story matey please?

>In summary though, don't beat yourself up. I think it's the output shaft
>from the gearbox but will know more in a few days when my local
>non-franchised guys get to have a butchers. It's not a half shaft as the
>swarf generator was definately in the gearbox area and no joy with the diff
>lock on either.

I bet it's the gearbox output shaft. They go from "a bit clunky" to "no
drive" in a second... having seen the state mine from the previous disco
when I pulled it, I was amazed that it drove at all. That was "fairly
clunky", to the extent that I was starting to treat it gently in case it
failed. It's a good job I couldn't see it, I'd nevre have dared take it off
the drive.

Basically, the original splines are something around 3mmx2mm and more or
less rectangular although in fact the top is a radius and the sides are
radii. The ones on mine, both in the gear and on the shaft (I kept the gear
as a souvenir, dunno if I can find it now) were worn to a sort of wedge
shape not much over 1mm high.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Once, when the secrets of science were the jealously guarded property of
a small priesthood, the common man had no hope of mastering their arcane
complexities. Years of study in musty classrooms were prerequisite to
obtaining even a dim, incoherent knowledge of science.
Today, all that has changed: a dim, incoherent knowledge of science is
available to anyone. - Tom Weller, Science Made Stupid, 1986