mud muppet

New Member
went off roading today.pleased with my disco 200.did get stuck but managed to drive it out in the end.:)
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didnt take any pics.were tooooooo bizy.besides i have given up trying to load pics on ere
well you should never go out on your own so just take pictures of your mates and get your mates to take pictures of you. Photobucket is simples
yup no excuses! even my mom can work photo bucket! :D
dont think i can upload iphone pics to photobucket.will get camara out and av go.

Download the photo bucket app for iPhone, it will upload to your photo bucket account direct from your phone and resize the pics for you, then you can just copy and past link to here simples:D
Download the photo bucket app for iPhone, it will upload to your photo bucket account direct from your phone and resize the pics for you, then you can just copy and past link to here simples:D

Likewise, there is also an Android app too, use this one myself and found it most pleasing

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