
Well-Known Member
I know I'm not blowing the budget here, but has anyone got any recommendations for an auto-darkening helmet or mask for <£30? Will be used for MIG.
I have just recieved one of those in the post. Not used it yet but might give it a stab tomorrow. Its OK.

Plastic a bit on the thin side and not ample in size but I am a big bugger.

The test button works so heres hoping.

Oh and mine is a black one 19.95
I have just recieved one of those in the post. Not used it yet but might give it a stab tomorrow. Its OK.

Plastic a bit on the thin side and not ample in size but I am a big bugger.

The test button works so heres hoping.

Oh and mine is a black one 19.95

If you're sight's still ok tomorrow, let us know how you got on with it. Could be the one for me.
for hobby theyre more than up to it,i used one at work and im a fabricator welder,i use it for tig and small mig jobs.Out bigger I use an air fed jobbie due to fumes
I had a cheaper one a few years back, and got some pretty bad headaches due to poor reaction speed, I wouldnt #### about with really cheap one! You can get a pretty decent one for under £100 what price do you put on your sight?

Honestly spend a little more it will be worth it!
Cheers Matt. I know I'm always going to get a better performer with more bucks, but my budget really is £30! I'm going to include some flip-down masks in my search too, at least you know they're shielding!
Auto-darkening seems to be all fleabay, might have to shop elsewhere for a change !
I got a auto darkening one from my local welding supplies for not a lot of money I'm also on a budget,maybe an idea to have a look in your local surplier
I got a auto darkening one from my local welding supplies for not a lot of money I'm also on a budget,maybe an idea to have a look in your local surplier

I think that's a good shout. I'd be inclined to believe what they have to say. Two of my mates are fabricators, but I already know what they'll tell me about cheap masks!
I would go for a fixed shade at that price personally, but if using a cheap auto-darkening it's a good idea to get in the habit of blinking as you strike an arc, to mitigate any delay.
Cheers guys. I think I'll go for an auto-darkening jobby. I'm going to pop into a local suppliers and get their recommendation. I'm sure the eBay ones are fine but I also like spending local,
I been using mine all day today no problems cheap is not always **** or nastie I think with a eye sight
The makers of these mask's still have very high standards to keep to
They have delay settings,and iv never had headaches from welding flash,perhaps you have something else going on there.
Used mine this morning. fully adjustable sensitivity and delay.......... worked a treat. Also conforms to all the European safety regs. Shame my welding is ****e.

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