
New Member
Good morning All,
Firstable, thank you for acceptance to permit me to be a part of your Landy Zone forum as member.
A English friend of mine, friendly surnamed Uncle Kev, gave me your link and asked me to join you.
I am French, sorry about that..lol.., and I am the owner of a RR L322 TD6 - YM2004 and as many of us, I have a GM gearbox problem. (4th and 5th don't shift anymore). I have not looked yet all the posts about this item, self intoduction first to be in phase with passionate forum members.
I am sure that you will be able to help and guide me about this subject.
I have the possibility to get free of charge a X5 gearbox reference: 3GXW - 0826837 but not sure if this one can be fitted on this vehicule (internal parts? RR ECM talking with BMW gearbox? torque converter?...etc..)
So, in advance thanks a lot for your welcome assistance.
Kind regards.
Uncle Kev?

Much to read in the searchbar many answers for you there. Plenty of people to help

Welcome to LandyZone :)
Welcome to the forum

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