
Active Member
this is a bit crap without pictures but anyway,

while perusing a vast expanse of agri scrap yard today i came across a 109 series 2a with an old non-standard diesel engine, nothing very exciting but.... in the cab there was a 4th lever down beside the transfer box ones that conected directly on top of the starter motor unit. the starter motor looked like the regular series one but with and extra collar between the flywheel housing and motor where this lever connected to some sort of mechanism. anyone know what that would be for? i'm assuming some sort of manual starter engagement but that seam’s very primitive, even for a landy!! the starter motor was on the driver’s side so the lever would have been easy to reach at least!!
Sounds like an ancient manual pre-engaging starter.
Old tractors used them quite a lot.
They work very well.

nice, it was an old looking engine, still had a dynamo on it and such. it would be a nice beast to tinker with if i didnt already have several beasts in need of some tinker-time!

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