fat lad

New Member
Hi all i have a 2 1/4 petrol series 3 with a 34 webber carb fitted, the problem is when choke is pulled out and i start it ( which it does ) it seems to be running with no choke but the flap is working??? cars i have had before with manual choke will rev highher while choke on but the landy doesnt so i usually sit there for a while till its warmed up a bit, all linkages seem to be attatched hope someone can help cheers jonny
Turn it off.
open choke manually under the bonnet. fully that is , and does the throttle spindle move?
if not adjust it....
cheers for the reply yes it does move but just a tad, ive got a carb service kit so will change diaphrams and other bits then see how it is regards jonny

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