
New Member
:) Im a 20 yr old girl and ive been raised on landrovers! We've had loads and never put a good one down! My parents have moved to france to start up a landrover business because after many heated chats about the bits of Landrover on the drive Dad decided that if he moved to france he could have loads of space to put bits and pieces and has a workshop just for his favourite 'baby' thats ten times bigger than our own house!!!

They've set up an off-road course, not to make loads of money like many of the bigger clubs but because as a family we have a genuine love of all things 4x4. Dad spent days planning and building the off road course at the site in France. Its only an hour from the port so its good for any landys that need that extra bit of love to get keep them going and cos if mines anything to go by drink petrol! They have a 4x4 course, can teach anyone wanting to learn, are surrounded by winding tracks and can pretty much cater for anything anyone wants!

Im not trying to flog this to death but if you love your landy and want a good break drop them a line, cos at the end of the day your 4x4 is for enjoyment. And they decided to risk everything because they have the same passion as you. Have a look on the website and let us know what you think.
Interesting - just totting up the cost of a weekend, what's the ferry crossing options Nemily?

I wish my missus could fix Land Rovers like you btw - I'd save a fortune!
Looks good!! I spent a couple of years living over there very close by in a town called Coutances - great part of the world - might be having me a visit soon!!!!
Cheers for sending me the link Jonathan, I was just near there yesterday! Could have popped in :) If you do want to go over, let me know and I can get you a cheap(er) deal on the ferry.

Is there a cheap option to come along in your own vehicle Nemily? I'm often over just for the day, and an hour or two of off-roading sounds like fun - rather than me messing about with maps!

mmaddock said:
If you do want to go over, let me know and I can get you a cheap(er) deal on the ferry.

Worth a weekend me thinks, off road, laning, fud and bowze. Will put on list of 2 do's.

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