
New Member
Having picked up a 110 CSW last night (thanks Lee), I rapidly came to the conclusion at work that Landy owners should get leave after a new arrival to get to know it properly.:D

Two weeks would do, nothing excessive!

It's 3 years since I got rid of the last one and I'd forgotten how much you grin driving them. Dissapointingly this one doesn't seem to be up for the games of guess the smell I used to play in my V8.
Just get that bonnet up and keep a daily check slowing it down after time untill you get used to her, not the best time of year to be underneath, I save those projects till summer if poss :)

Don't forget antifreeze your balls off check
I like this idea i have had mine 3 months now and still havent even got the jobs done i needed to when buying it doh!
I wuz checking fluids daily for the first month, got to once a week now, or if im under there anyway.
all me roundtuit jobs are on hold till its a bit warmer now I think, its strictly, needs doing jobs for a while, for a start its too chuffing dark when I get home...
that dunt work with kids tho, although, is landy ownership classed as HAVING or ADOPTING, you get 4 weeks for adopting...
I think, if its brand new, you having, so 2 weeks, if its preowned 4 weeks for adoption...
that dunt work with kids tho, although, is landy ownership classed as HAVING or ADOPTING, you get 4 weeks for adopting...
I think, if its brand new, you having, so 2 weeks, if its preowned 4 weeks for adoption...

Landy's are more work than kids though ;)

so 2 Landy's = 8 weeks then - i'm liking this more and more, another 11 and i won't have to work at all... for 1 year!

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