Whilst driving home the other day the water pump failed and threw the belt, the first I knew there was a problem was when the steering went solid as the belt had come off the power steering pump, I knocked it into neutral and coasted to a halt, the RAC man said it was the bearings in the waterpump as there was a lot of play in the fan and so this had caused the belt to be thrown. My question is, what other complications can be expected by this, the pump is being replaced but can I expect anything else to have been damaged?
Not really as long as it didn't over heat should be ok , the belts usually just slip off causing no damage .
Cheers mate, I think I will get them to check the head gasket whist they are at it.

No it will cost you more it will be fine , I Doubt you was able to drive it long enough for that to happen, they should automaticly check everything's ok anyways ! Watch the sly comment arrive after that statement :eek:
+1 to the above as long as it didn't overheat you should be fine.

Check the rad to ensure no belt puncture marks too
My water pump went and dumped alllll my coolant on the motorway, didn't overheat though and got to the services. Pump replaced and had the heads checked as a precaution

Less than a week later it went again! Same prob, dropped all the coolant. Turned out to be a faulty pump.

So I had it happen twice in a week to me and everything is fine now, although the RAC bloke when he recovered me the first time was insistent in telling me the whole hour trip home from where I was that my heads would be ####ed if the water pump went.
And I'd have to get them done!

Made me a little upset! But had them tested and were fine

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