
New Member
My 1992 200TDi has recently developed a water leak. It seems to come and go and doesn't lose a lot of water in one go, it's more of a steady trickle once or twice a month..

I've had a look and it seems to be coming from the engine block behind the radiator fan pulley. To be honest, I'm out of my depth now and worried that this is bad news. Any opinions?
peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Gasket.

Hows the temp readings? If the pump fails and the weather is hot it should rise above norm.

this should let you know whats going on :)
I have a mysterious coolant leak that drips onto the front axle of my 200Tdi 90.

I can't work out where it originates from, partly because I can't see from whence it drips, and partly because all bits of an engine look the same to me.

Is this likey to be from the waterpump?

I have a p-gasket winging its way to me. Or should I just chuck a bottle of Kalimax K-Seal into the coolant bottle?


I have a coolent leek too - mine goes into number 4 cylinder :) So think yourself lucky it seems to be something simple here.

FYI the waterpump will be on the front of the engine at the top with the top pully on.

Sounds like the pump is working as if it would soon have heated up over the summer ad you would have known about it. Sounds to m like a gasket(not the head one like mine) or a pipe leaking to me.
how strange three different landys all with leaks,your better off finding leak and mending proper,sealants like k seal rad weld etc only cause bigger probs later on
If its your water pump, water will run off the pipe (engine side) on the bottom hose and drop off the onto the front diff. I did mine about a month ago, easy.
Sounds about right. Have p gasket so will sort tomorrow. Or weekend. Or next week.



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