
New Member
I seem to have developed a water leak in the lower part of my boot area where the spare tyre tools are held, in a locked compartment in the boot.

I cannot for the life of me see how the water is getting in there, it gets saturated, a small swimming pool :confused:.

I've looked all underneath vehicle for a missing grommit, but can't find anything missing and certainly can't see any holes. I'm certain it's not coming in through the back door and the main boot area in completely dry. I can't lift up the carpet in the back as it's all stictched in. Has anyone else suffered with this problem and may know how to fix it?

I've filled the area up with silicon gel sachets but this really isnt a good solution lol

Lovin all these smiley's by the way :D
I would say the freelander section on here would be the best place to find an answer, or a search on google may throw up some common faults but firs point of call is to check around the rear lights and the boot seal, get someone with a hose to soak it whilst you sit inside with a torch looking for drips...
It's a Land Rover, it's a factory fitted leak ;) depending on the model you get more or less leaks fitted.
See my duplicate thread under the Freelander section and the YouTube clip that's been posted, you will be shocked!!! :(

I need to find a good but cheap welder, I'm laughing as its so bad it's quite funny, shame its my landy though lol
If its water in the boot are you sure the boot door hasnt fallen off whilst going through any puddles?

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