
Active Member
Having taken the roof lining out to do the sunroof I thought I'll try to find out where the water was coming from in the back of the car around the back door area.

After searching for a while and not really finding a lot, I put a finger in the holes of the first picture (above the door), they were full to the brim with water the whole area between the two holes was completely full. Either end on the holes was a seam weld holding the water back.

So the only way water could be coming in was from the roof seal at the back.

To take the top plastic seal off the side had to come off first, unfortunately the clips are made to be replaced (I glued mine back on), next I pulled off the top seal......Shocked I didn't expect to see that!

Under the rusty plate at the bottom is a foam seal, the foam had become clogged up and was acting as a dam holding back any water that ran down the roof onto the plate.
If you look at the plate you can see the holes which the plastic seal clips to have been filling up, showing that water has been sitting behind the plate.

With the plate removed you can see what's been happening, the plate was filling up with water, seeping through the plastic plugs and filling the well up inside the car.

So wire brush in the grinder, rust killer and a repaint of the plate, I then took the plastic plugs out, I squirted a load of sealant in the holes, replaced the plugs and sealed over the top of them, then I replaced the now painted plate back on (sorry no photos, I also drilled 2 holes at the bottom of each cup so no water can sit in them), with a heavy layer of sealant.

Refitted the plastic seal on the back and side with a squirt of sealant along the top just to be sure.

Two days of rain no more water ingress and a dry tool box in the boot. :)

2016-04-08-11h51m36.JPG 2016-04-08-11h51m51.JPG 2016-04-08-11h51m55.JPG 2016-04-08-12h00m37.jpg 2016-04-08-12h00m42.jpg 2016-04-08-12h03m40.jpg 2016-04-08-12h46m42.JPG 2016-04-08-16h06m40.JPG 2016-04-08-16h06m41.jpg 2016-04-08-16h14m19.JPG

So if you're getting water in the back of your car, just pop of the 2 plastic discs and have a feel above the door in the holes for any signs water.
Don't you see what you've done? The floor cubby box in the Freelander should be full of water at all times in order that you can keep goldfish or chill beer in it. Or that's what the dealer told me.

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