
New Member

Further to our court case win to re-open WBIN...


Please note that we are putting a Voluntary Restraint on this lane until repairs have been carried out. The lower section is currently very dangerous to use along the definitive line. Pre 2005 a farm track was used, but this is now locked.


Anyone ignoring the VR could potentially lead Powys CC to find an excuse to apply another TRO.

We will be asking for volunteers to help us with the repairs in due course.


This action is essential if we are to avoid losing this lane altogether. Please pass on to our members and any other interested parties. Hopefully it will re-open in the spring.

I fully support GLASS but sometimes they don't help themselves.

If you didnt tell people about it until after the repairs it probably would have gone unnoticed.

Now it probably won't :(
For the amount of abusers losing us these roads, perhaps there should be some sort of voluntary warden system to keep an eye on them?
sort of.... what they should really do is get on with the repairs this weekend!

yes i suppose. In an ideal world though non of this would happen.

The lanes wouldn't fall into disrepair because the council would do repairs on a regular basis. There Wouldn't be w@nkers out there ruining it for others and ####ing the lanes up and there wouldn't be dishonest elected officials(see the Peaks post above) but i suppose thats never going to happen.

I hope they sort this one quickly.
what has prompted glass to do this is the media attention it has received with the court case

as soon as it was announced there has been several requests to glass and treadlightly asking where and when the lane can be driven
what has prompted glass to do this is the media attention it has received with the court case

as soon as it was announced there has been several requests to glass and treadlightly asking where and when the lane can be driven

I get you Stu.

Its the people who haven't asked where it is and if its in decent condition though that are the problem as you well know. There the type that don't give a fcuk.

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