
New Member
Hi Everyone

I just thought people would be interested to know, what with all the scares with the Freelander, that Warranty Direct ( ) will give a warranty for my 2001 1.8 Freelander for under £300, which yes does include head gaskets along with other major components, or you can have the bells and whistles for £500.

Just thought it might give other Freelanders peace of mind ( although not really bothered myself )

Hope this is useful

Finnster :)
Finnster said:
Hi Everyone

I just thought people would be interested to know, what with all the scares with the Freelander, that Warranty Direct ( ) will give a warranty for my 2001 1.8 Freelander for under £300, which yes does include head gaskets along with other major components, or you can have the bells and whistles for £500.

Just thought it might give other Freelanders peace of mind ( although not really bothered myself )

Hope this is useful

Finnster :)

Go for it floppy!
so did warrantyworks - - it aint wot they say to get ya to sign up - its wot they say wen yu wanna claim - aint that rite Mondeo?

i like the "Just thought it might give other Freelanders peace of mind ( although not really bothered myself )" - thats wot everyone says till they get a $13000 bill for injectors - or £3000 - "new engine mate" - theres lots of tears shed on this forum (includin mine).

i dont think it matters wot the warranty peeps say - providing they HONOUR there commitments wen the time comes.. - sorry Mondeo - yu started meorf agin - wheres my pint of Ds Bs - i bin waitin ages - Mondeo/Minge - wot yu up to answerin threds - i am waitin for MY PINT!
yella disco said:
the voice of experience eh hatty, ;)

yup - and I reckon a RAC check b4 mite be a good idea too.
best of all - dont drive it - just garage it, look at it.

it'll last ages - wont cost too much ;)

evenin' Yellow - yu calmed down now?
Why bother wasting the money on a Warranty when you can spend you hard earned cash on all the repairs that warranty won't cover you for, namely the whole car!
make sure the transfer box is covered ;)

I stupidly bought a Warranty from 'Warranty Direct' and so far have had endless problems with them. They refused to honour a claim when my clutch release bearing colapsed last year which left me with a hefty bill.

Well anyways, over the weekend the transfer box gave in and I'm making yet another claim. The car went in on Monday and the LR dealer has still got it. Warranty Direct are messing around regarding the service record. The car has always been serviced by LR but after paying hundreds of pounds for a LR dealer service this year I had a service done at a local garage. This is the start of another problem on top of the car itself, Warranty Direct are disputing whether the car has been serviced correctly because the service I paid for is 'too cheap for a Freelander'.

All I can say is don't waste ur money on this warranty company its like drawing blood from a stone when trying to get them to pay for something.
That's useful to know, Lakss.

I was looking into buying an 04 Freelander, which has 3 months of LR warranty left. My independent dealer is offering cover from someone called 'Customer Protect', which is about c. £380 I think, for 3 years cover.

Has anyone had any experience of them?
Update on my transfer box problem... Warranty Direct are sending an independent inspector out to confirm the fault. Obviously they don't trust a well established Land Rover dealer.

As for the service issue, its pending and will be looked at on Monday according to Warranty direct.
That's useful to know, Lakss.

I was looking into buying an 04 Freelander, which has 3 months of LR warranty left. My independent dealer is offering cover from someone called 'Customer Protect', which is about c. £380 I think, for 3 years cover.

Has anyone had any experience of them?

Check whether it's administered by the people who do the Land Rover one and if so compare the policys
and, of course, yu have to agree to any work being done at your cost until the warranty peeps decide they mite pick up the tab! so if any dismantling works need to be done (heads orf on an HGF) yu are liable - then if they say "No" yu then cant move the pigging thing to a cheaper garage to get it fixed!


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