
Never Knowingly Understood
Full Member
1Hr ago:

Land Rover owners Warning.

Our colleagues in West Yorkshire Police have informed us that they have received information that a small group of males from Halifax may be targeting Land Rovers in the Rossendale area this weekend.
We have additional Road Policing Unit officers patrolling our borders with West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester.
We believe prevention is better than cure so can we ask that Land Rover owners take additional security measures this weekend if possible.
Consider the use of steering locks, parking in a well lit area or parking a second vehicle behind your car.

1Hr ago:

Land Rover owners Warning.

Our colleagues in West Yorkshire Police have informed us that they have received information that a small group of males from Halifax may be targeting Land Rovers in the Rossendale area this weekend.
We have additional Road Policing Unit officers patrolling our borders with West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester.
We believe prevention is better than cure so can we ask that Land Rover owners take additional security measures this weekend if possible.
Consider the use of steering locks, parking in a well lit area or parking a second vehicle behind your car.


Don't live in that neck of the woods myself, but what a great heads-up. Hope they catch the scrotes at it, will happily loan the boys in blue a coil of piano wire to put round their testicles, + will pull one end myself.
you and me both mate....I could think of several ways to deal with the likes of these but I cannot post for legal reasons...
Calderdale Police did a weekend of marking parts etc and stopping every landy moving on the roads so they are doing their best.

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