
New Member
Hi there,
I just realised that I´ve registered here a long time ago without contributing anything, sorry for this. I am a bit desperate because last weekend I discovered a problem which I´d like to solve tomorrow if possible as we´ve planed going to icy Norway in one week.
It´s related to my 130 Tdi / 1994 . Out of a sudden there was no warm air supply on the passenger´s side anymore neither through the windscreen demisters nor through the lower dash air duct into the legroom. This is independent of positioning the blower level as well the heat regulator. Interesting is this is related to the passenger´s side only on my side everything is perfect according to the different settings. Last night I´ve removed the loudspeaker on the passenger´s side for investigation. Surprisingly there was a perfect warm air supply according blower level and heat regulator positioning BUT through the loudspeaker cut out. Unfortunately on my driver side it was the complete opposite , very poor air flow and lukewarm only. I spent nearly all night on the web and in German LR forums but couldn´t find an idea what the problem might be. Probably someone of you got a clue? Please apologise for using wrong terminology , I am German and the English manual is not handy at the moment.

Thanks a lot in advance for any ideas,

Cheers Stef
normally it'll be the feed pipe (item 4 below) from the blower that has come off. you'll have to get the top of the dash off and have a look!

The lower dash is just a long metal box with 5 holes in it.
One big hole that the heater box fan blows into.
Two holes at the top which have the windscreen vents attached (no flaps, valves or anything!)
Two holes at the bottom that DO have flaps which are connected together.
''X" amount of air from the heater box fan enters the lower dash, it can always go out the two windscreen vents because there is nothing to stop it.
If the lower vents are closed ALL the air goes out the top vents.
If the lower vents are opened most but not all the air will come from the lower vents instead.
As said, if no air is exiting the passenger side windscreen vent then the pipe has fallen off (likely) or is blocked.
The lower vents can be checked for correct operation by removing the plastic ducts(2 screws) and looking whilst operating the direction lever. The flaps or cable can seize up or even break as mine had.

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