
Well-Known Member
Or docs, anything really as long as black boots that will buff up a bit.
Fer me daughter who has just be signed up fer the police cadets.:)
She flits between navy/RAF and the police , I'm happy with any of them really.
She's just started college for 2 yrs so anything could happen.
Charlie hotel echo echo Romeo seirra.
You want black Altberg sneakers. Non gortex so they dry quick.

Really lightweight. Good for dapping about in!
You want black Altberg sneakers. Non gortex so they dry quick.

Really lightweight. Good for dapping about in!
Ooh...too pricey I'm afraid, I'm a poor tratter owner.
Bloody expensive second hand too, going to run her up to the army surplus place on Saturday see what they've got.@colthebrummie
They supply everything except gloves, socks and boots and all have to be black. £80 a year subs payable by me too but I don't begrudge any of it, I suspect she will gain loads from it and it's better than poxy dance classes or something.
She's got her first duty on Sunday, open day at the local nick.
I'm so proud I could pop :)
can pick up ex surplus altberg defenders ( they do come in black) from £20, mine were ex squaddie brown ones some scuffs and a thorn or two stuck in them but have come up lovely with a bit of ledergris wax applied to them, warm dry, comfy and bloody hardwearing
Try magnum patrol boots on fleebay you will find size 6, I normally do as most peeps want a bigger size.
and well done to here will be good experience :)
can pick up ex surplus altberg defenders ( they do come in black) from £20, mine were ex squaddie brown ones some scuffs and a thorn or two stuck in them but have come up lovely with a bit of ledergris wax applied to them, warm dry, comfy and bloody hardwearing

+1 for these, I have two pairs a 2nd hand pair plus I found a brand new set for £50. All off the bay. What I like is that they are not goretex and they dry quickly , unlike my old walking boots. But as said already, make sure to give them some love with the ledergris.

+1 for these, I have two pairs a 2nd hand pair plus I found a brand new set for £50. All off the bay. What I like is that they are not goretex and they dry quickly , unlike my old walking boots. But as said already, make sure to give them some love with the ledergris.


Mine were off a dorset steam fair junk stall :D

What I like about them is theres plenty of forward back movement to allow easy driving but no side to side for ankle support, i've even started wearing them as motorbike boots!
+1 for these, I have two pairs a 2nd hand pair plus I found a brand new set for £50. All off the bay. What I like is that they are not goretex and they dry quickly , unlike my old walking boots. But as said already, make sure to give them some love with the ledergris.


Too heavy!
Nothing wrong with the traditional blister inducing DMS boots with a SGT staring down on you to polish the boots before Parade.:rolleyes:
Too heavy!

Try these for size if you think Altbergs are too heavy!


Nothing wrong with the traditional blister inducing DMS boots with a SGT staring down on you to polish the boots before Parade.:rolleyes:

I get on with them quite well and miners boots, basically lived in mine from the age of 8 ish as dad was a miner could get them free so that's hat I had

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