
Well-Known Member
I have been very happily running a matched set of Michelin Latitude Tour 225 55 R17 101H tyres with 5 or 6mm of tread.. My propshaft revcounters were telling me that the props were running at less than 1rpm difference to each other on smooth open roads - purrfeck.........
Pothole damage and I have lost one. Sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My spare is a Michelin Synchrone with 9mm of tread and although the static ride height is very similar to the Latitude Tours the revcounters tell me it runs like a SMALLER tyre. If I put it on the back the rear prop goes 0.1% to 0.2% FASTER than the front - and if I put it on the front the rear prop goes 0.1% to 0.2% slower than the front - better - but still not as sweet as a matched set of tyres.
A couple of pounds of tyre pressure does not make a significant difference either.
If anyone has saved a Mich Latitude tour 225 55 R17 101H with about 6mm tread when they retyred I would like to buy it so I can run out my matched set. If anyone has two then I would be able to offer a Mich Synchrone 225 55 R17 101H with 9mm of tread and no perishing to anyone else in a similar predicament - I know this is not a buy/sell bit of the forum but I thought the info from the revcounters was interesting.
I am in Stafford so a local contact could be good
I can't help with a latitude tour. But I do have a new Synchrone on my spare, if it's any help?
Well - between us we maybe can help someone else with Synchrones - but I am looking for the Tours to match up my set - thanks anyway
i have two they were not that old it was when I had the new latitudes on and the tread was different and I did not want to mix even though my tyre place said they were same size ect and i had new all round I am in stoke on trent and I am out most of the day tomorrow I can put a picture on here either later or late tomorrow.
Hey - that's great - if they are a match it would be brill - when you say the tread was different on your new ones - were they perhaps Latitude cross? Mine are Latitude Tour - if your surplus are the same that would be great
hi here they are the new latitudes are different and of course more expensive there is no damage on either one when the tyre bloke said they are the same size I was going to leave them that way but upon seeing the new latitudes I just had to have them all round as they look a bit beefier if I can say that and the two on sale are tourer hp


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So - Having bought a nice couple of Mich Latitude Tours from teddywood1 and got them mounted and balanced I have now got back to a matched set of tyres - 8mm tread on the rears - 6mm on the fronts. My propshaft revcounters now show either exactly the same front /back revs or just +1 rpm on the front prop in level steady running - purrfeck. Oh - and going up a steep bank locked in 4th on cruise control at 55mph just managed to pull +3rpm on the front prop as the mill really dug in. back to =/= as she came over the top.
After a 6 mile round trip my vcu (just checked at 12secs for 8Kg - 30secs for 5kg 1.2m OWUT) was less than 1 degree warmer than the damper just behind it.
Happy Bunny.
I now have surplus a Michelin Synchrone 225 55 R17 101H with 9mm of tread - no perishing (been under the spare wheel cover nearly all it's life) No sidewall scuffing - if any one out there has a similar problem of having lost a tyre out of a matched set.

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