P38 Enthusiast
Looking to purchase an intact clutch release fork and arm for my other P38. Mine has developed a rather nice crack. Also interested in other spares for manuals to keep my two running.
Many thanks
Bump! Will consider full bell housing from either 2.5/4.0 manual P38. Also same as 2.8 defender. thanks
They are a bit rare to start with and only a few of us on here have manuals, only ones i have seen for sale have been on feebay with bell housing for about £100
They are a bit rare to start with and only a few of us on here have manuals, only ones i have seen for sale have been on feebay with bell housing for about £100

I know they’re not easy to come by. Was just hoping someone had one lying in the shed or something. Was hoping to avoid buying another bell housing but it seems it’s the only way other than new parts. I’m only wanting the shaft so I can reproduce a stronger version at work but I’m yet to strip mine out.

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