
Well-Known Member
Im looking for someone to drop the kerb outside my house, if anyone can or knows someone who can let me know.

Oldbury B65
if it's onto the public highway they'll not allow you just to get a mate in
Obviously it needs to be done by someone who knows how to do em... council just dont do it anymore :(
This is from the application form... nothing said about any approved contractors to do the work

The inspection charge covers 1 visit and should you request the
inspector to call again you may incur an additional cost. If you
decide not to proceed any further with your application the
inspection fee of £50.00 is​

The outcome of the inspection will be processed and a written
response will be sent to you shortly thereafter.
The response will indicate whether you will be allowed a footway
crossing. It will also include the conditions under which the
approval applies.
If your application is successful, you will need to pay the £75.00
supervision and administration fee, so that the construction can

Your not allowed to just get anyone to do it,the council has to approve it and then they give you a list of contractors that you can choose from,the reason is that whoever does the work has to have insurance cover for about 10 million pounds incase some idiot falls into the hole and injures themself.
I had mine dropped last year and it cost £1000 :mad:

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