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What is the most likely cause for a Series2a to lean slightly one one side, with out anyone being in it...And no I'm not 30

If it's shockers...etc, is it best to replace all or just a couple etc...How much does it cost for a new set of normal shockers..?
What is the most likely cause for a Series2a to lean slightly one one side, with out anyone being in it...And no I'm not 30

If it's shockers...etc, is it best to replace all or just a couple etc...How much does it cost for a new set of normal shockers..?

has sirus sat in your car lately ?:D
What is the most likely cause for a Series2a to lean slightly one one side, with out anyone being in it...And no I'm not 30

If it's shockers...etc, is it best to replace all or just a couple etc...How much does it cost for a new set of normal shockers..?

If the Drivers side is higher than the passengers side then its probably ok. Series have different springs all around to make it sit level when the driver is in and fuelled up.

Put a decent ammount of fuel in you tight fooker!

hello mate , going on the last few posts from you whats right with your landy lol but sreiously a bloke i knew bought a series 2 a and his was leaning lower on drivers side , we changed all the springs and it was still not right, although they were s**tpart springs and they are c**p anyway but i digress , i doubt it will be the shocks as they do what they say on the tin ..they absorb shock they will not lift the weight of the chassis off of the spring free standing so to speak , i did hear that if it has been left standing for many a year on A.. flat tyre this can cause the chassis to bend but how much truth is in this i dont know, or it could be that the spring hangers have siezed,( these are the linkages from the springs to the chassis) you can tell this by looking at them side on and if one is at a different angle to the one on the far side this is the problem, plenty of wd and bouncing on it should sort it out .other than that its springs mate or said chassis , will try and think of a way you can eliminate one or the other ..bare with me ...if you do sort it or go for new springs go for british springs dont go for s**tpart ones they really are rubbish and will possibly make it look worse keep us informed matey
thought of a way but how feasable it is i dont know, you need to borrow hire 2 highlift jacks, and you need a spirit level and some very level ground, measure the difference in the lean on the level ground, jack the landy up front and back but not so wheels are off of the ground just enough to take the weight and jack it so the chassis rails are level with spirit level now measure each corner of chassis to ground , if the difference is the same you have a bent chassis if all corners are near enough equal its springs eureka!
better idea, 2 bits of straight wood width of chassis on the ground front and back under chassis pack them underneath and make them absolutely level with spirit level then check as before ! if the chassis is bent (which i doubt) the different hight of each corner will show up when you measure it from the level wood
The springs ARE handed, the drivers side is meant to be higher as was said before, if its the passengers side, the springs could have been fitted the wrong way round, if you have just recently fitted and welded a new spring hanger on or a chassis repair leg they they could have been put on wrong

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