is it you that's selling it, or bid on it, or just come across when browsing good old fleabay?
Bring it down with ya, you regret it if you don't. Most of us have newun's here so it 'll be a change to see an oldun. Where ya moving from up or down if it's not personal to ask. Down I expect. I quest it , West yorkshire
why not disclose the reserve?
when i look on e bay to buy a vehicle , if the seller wont disclose the reserve i dont bother going to view it as i dont know if i could ever afford to buy it or not. whats the point in driving miles and miles to view a vehicle im not sure i can afford?
we dont all drive 2000+ landy's in Bristol paul! mines a 84!

welcome to Bristol! when you get here. its nicer down south ;)

Some one's got to buy new one's or there wouldn't be any old uns. Any way Griffdowg, the older one's were build with proper materials The one I've got been recycled.
why not disclose the reserve?
when i look on e bay to buy a vehicle , if the seller wont disclose the reserve i dont bother going to view it as i dont know if i could ever afford to buy it or not. whats the point in driving miles and miles to view a vehicle im not sure i can afford?
Yup same here. I don't even bother watching if there's a reserve. What annoys me is when you're watching something and the seller removes it before the auction finishes. Don't blame then for selling if they've had the right offer but why can't they state "I want £**** for it" and save everybody wasting their time.
Yup same here. I don't even bother watching if there's a reserve. What annoys me is when you're watching something and the seller removes it before the auction finishes. Don't blame then for selling if they've had the right offer but why can't they state "I want £**** for it" and save everybody wasting their time.

if you want x amount for something , set your price at that amount.
setting a hidden reserve is exactly the same thing , except you lose bidders who cant be arsed to go and view something without a price tag.
''if you have to ask , you cant afford it'' springs to mind.
the reserve is set low and hidden because we need to get rid of it and we dont want people to assume its worth from it! if we get what we're asking at reserve then good, if we get more then fabulous!

We cant tow it down otherwise I would! Used to go alot down there when i was younger so will be looking forward to gettin another landy in the future and going again!
Some one's got to buy new one's or there wouldn't be any old uns.quote]
another pearl of wisdom from the village idiot. on that theory, all of henry fords model 't's are now new.
and would someone please buy a vauxhall vx4/90 so mine can become old
In my experience of buying and selling vehicles on ebay you often get the best price when you start it low and don't have a reserve. This is because a lot of people, myself included, see a reserve and think you want the earth for it so don't bother. There's a lot of "auction psychology" at work just as there would be in a real live saleroom and you need to think about this carefully to get the best results;)
it started low and reserve is low for vehicle. Anyhow with 2 ish hours left it has passed its reserve!
Congrats on selling it:) It's really hard to predict how much one like yours will fetch. Sometimes they go for nowt:D and other times if someone really wants it they fetch 5 or 6 undred.:confused: Think a lot depends on the buyer being fairly local.

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