
New Member
Picked this up on the LDNPA website - the Walna Scar Road in the Lake District will close from Monday 13th March for 6months. Does anyone fancy driving it (and other lanes) to photograph the pre-work state of the lane and possibly record the journey for posterity? But here's a thought - If NERC bites in the national parks - we will never have the chance to drive it again - ever :mad:. So if you're interested in what may be a last chance, come and join me.

Vital repairs to popular high level route
01 Mar 2006
One of the Lake District’s most popular high level mountain pass routes - Walna Scar - is to be closed temporarily to 4x4 vehicles and motorcycles for at least six months, to allow vital repair work to be carried out from the middle of this month.
The four-and-a-half kilometre route from Coniston to Dunnerdale, will remain open for walkers, cycles and horses, but all users are asked to avoid the route if they can until at least June while the vital initial construction work is taking place.
Money for the £24,000 repair work has come from the Heritage Lottery Funded Upland Path Landscape Restoration Project. On the Dunnerdale side of the pass, repair work will require heavy machinery to be in place, but the route up from Coniston will be repaired by manual operations.
Lake District National Park Authority Trails Adviser Dave Robinson pointed out that Walna Scar was last repaired in 2002 and most of the work on the lower slopes has been a success, but on the upper slopes the route is still eroding badly. This deterioration has prompted these unexpected vital repairs.
“Our field team has had to go out on a number of occasions to carry out emergency repairs over the last two years and we couldn’t continue with that piecemeal approach. We are sorry for any inconvenience the closure will cause, and we understand people’s frustrations. But it is important that this work is done and there really is no alternative but to carry out large scale and long-term repairs,” Dave said.
With this pass being such a well-used route, the LDNPA is ensuring that users groups are been fully informed about what is being planned.
“Because this is the second time we have repaired Walna Scar we have had to make sure the techniques we are using will withstand both the weather and the amount of people that use the route. We consulted widely on this, vehicle user representatives are satisfied it is the right thing to do and we are using experienced contractors to do the job.
“We have successfully used these repair techniques on other upland paths and vehicle routes like Gatescarth Pass, so we are hoping this work will provide the answer to the problems we are witnessing on Walna Scar. Once the new surface has dried out and settled we will then have a look at how we manage it in future.” Dave added.

With thanks to Chris Jones for the piccies.


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We're driving Walna Scar this Thursday afternoon from Coniston. The snow is melting below 700m today, so should be OK.

Any other takers?
Well, I was told that I would be made redundant 5 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago I had a good job offer and accepted. Tomorrow is my last day and I get redundancy and pay in lieu of notice (5weeks).

Now that's lucky;)

And my folks live in Windermere - so no B&B to pay for!
If you didn't see the pics elsewhere, attached below.

We drove it on the Thurs afternoon, it snowed heavily on the Saturday, so I guess we would be amongst the last to drive it before closure on teh Monday (kankuu excepted probably). V sad:(


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Thats a bloody motorway to what they are closing at the minute in N. Ireland now. Waterworks they say and it hasnt stopped raining simce St Patrtick died AD 430? so who needs waterworks

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