
New Member
Making the assumption that -

The vehicle is working all ok
A snorkal is fittted
Engine has been checked over for anywhere that water could ingress
The ford in question is about 2ft deep and not very wide

Should a 2.5D n/a have any problems going through it?

It really seems to struggle to get through - I appreciate that it is not the worlds most powerful engine, but it almost seems to cut out even when keeping the revs high. I am using high range in first gear.

Taking into account that my mates 200TDI goes through no problems (I understand its a more powerful engine) without much problem, should I be using low range to go through for my engine or is high range in 1st usually ok

Sorry for the newbie question ;)


At the end of the day you're pushing a lot of weight, Low 2nd is always my preferred gear when wading in deep water.
I use 2nd gear low range anorl. first high with a N/A is too high especially when the water is 2 foot deep. You could get away with it if it was only a foot deep.
dude, you only need to see the first camel adventure stuff to realise that 2nd low range is perfect for deep water. the 2.5 na may be a 'slight' block, but it is in my opinion the most lovely, reliable, noisy, cheap and torquey engine of all time... , my opinion anyway, just plan your motorway feed ins carefully ;)
low second mate ! tis a good engine in its own right i still have the 2.5 n/a diesel been runing it fer years with out a prob, has been great, under performs on long up hill runs but what do yer expect fer a 24 year old diesel 90 , seems a shame to put a 300 tdi in it when its still ok

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