Ooo looks good but bit pricey at 20 quid, at least it's from a website / company I've heard of and have an account with. Good find though :)
I had it for a bit, it's quite good, Off Road Drive is another good off road game - its challenge / trial based though.
Hehe, another is Motorm4x - its not as realistic but its very enjoyable - free roam with comps so combines the other two games really. Spintyres and Motorm4x are both available on the Steam online games store for download - Off Road Drive I had to order as a disk thought. Might be able to download it now I don't know.
I'd love a proper technical off road game where you could modify your vehicle and tackle off road stages. Massively geeky but it'd be great if you didn't have to worry about trashing your car :p
I've got spintires,

Would wait until its on the winter steam sale,

not worth picking up just yet, waiting for someone to make a Land Rover for it lol
These days the only game I seem to play is Space Engineers - nothing to do with Land Rovers but it's so good! The game is only in Alpha stage so it's not 100% but you can still do some pretty great stuff. Living in the East of England I need all this stuff cos it's so p*ss boring in terms of off road / green lanes!
These days the only game I seem to play is Space Engineers - nothing to do with Land Rovers but it's so good! The game is only in Alpha stage so it's not 100% but you can still do some pretty great stuff. Living in the East of England I need all this stuff cos it's so p*ss boring in terms of off road / green lanes!

Space Engineers is a damn good game, even if it is still being built,

Takes a while though to work out how things work though !
Space Engineers is a damn good game, even if it is still being built,

Takes a while though to work out how things work though !

Yeah - I've gotten to be pretty good at it - I hope they allow mods / other items over the Steam workshop soon so that the interiors of my massive starships don't just comprise of medical bays and cockpits! We need beds, tables and the rest of it!
DayZ is what I currently waste my spare time on ATM, spintires and space engineers get dull after a few hours,

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