
Well-Known Member
copied from Landywatch
Vintage Land Rover stolen from farm near Trowbridge

A fully restored 1952 Land Rover worth around £7000 has been stolen from a farm in Southwick near Trowbridge.
The Land Rover is a fully restored 1952 Series 2 green Land Rover with a green canvas roof. Its index, displayed on the old style black and white number plates, is SCJ 883. It has a short 88" wheel base and the front seats are so new that they are still in their wrappings.
The vehicle had been left secured on Fairfield Farm in Southwick at 6:45pm on Thursday 26th January 2012. At 2pm the next day someone noticed it had gone. Offenders had removed the lock from the front gate then towed or drove the Land Rover off the site.
Locks were also removed from a barn and another storage area on the farm but it is not believed either of these were entered.
Officers are keen to hear from anyone who saw or heard anything suspicious in the area overnight on the 26th January or who may have seen the vehicle as shown in the photographers to contact them.
Anyone with any information in relation to the incident is asked to contact PC Ian Thackray on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be left anonymously if they wish.
Hi Lazydog,

I am absolutley gutted for you.... I am sick to death of our Land Rovers being stolen...I really hope you managed to get her back she looks such a beatutiful example... This is a very much iconic 1952 example and someone will know or see where she is I'm sure of it.

I keep a list of Registration Numbers in my Defender along with a few useful notes on each vehicle in a note book so if I see anything out and about (as I cover lots of miles in my works van) I will notify the police!!

Good luck

Thanks for the sentiment Defender90uk but its not mine I just reposted from Landywatch.
Please keep your eyes open because the owner would be gutted and these toerags want stopping.
robbing bastids i really feel for you i hope karma or something does massivly bite them in the arse
I'm local to there so I'll keep my eyes peeled. A piccy or two would be good.
The pics are in the link in the OP


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