Hi and welcome to the Loony zone. I'm not surprised your single. I've met a few blokes from Dorzetshirrrrreee and I wun't marry em either :eek: :D
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kVLj7BIeCs"]YouTube- Chris Moyles Somerset Boy[/nomedia]
hi vicki ,sorry for not introducing myself earlier ,im frazer the boss,pleased to meet you:welcome2:
my arse, your not the right colour

as an ex british soldier ,7 1/2 years served ,bosnia ,gulf 1,amongst many other hell holes ,and as mixed race, my father a black BRITISH SOLDIER ,i can only take that as racism in the highest order,
shall i shut up now or just get back on the banana boat
ps when you get dressed up in your camo gear and drive up and down woods ,remember some ni##er did that for real with mines traps and bullets ,just to keep you safe
as an ex british soldier ,7 1/2 years served ,bosnia ,gulf 1,amongst many other hell holes ,and as mixed race, my father a black BRITISH SOLDIER ,i can only take that as racism in the highest order,
shall i shut up now or just get back on the banana boat
ps when you get dressed up in your camo gear and drive up and down woods ,remember some ni##er did that for real with mines traps and bullets ,just to keep you safe

Erm..I think he means that your user-name would be a different colour if you were the boss...

But hell, get the race card out!! Touchy bugger...:mad:

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